A Teen Girl’s Keys to a Healthy Life

Navigating the Pressures of Adolescence

Adolescence is a time of significant change and challenge. Our goal is to empower young women with the knowledge and resources they need to stay healthy and make informed choices, giving you the confidence to navigate this stage of life.

Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Menstrual Tracking

Today, we can leverage modern technology to manage our menstrual health. Menstrual tracking apps are powerful tools that help monitor your cycle, predict periods, and track symptoms, providing valuable insights into your reproductive health.

Anaemia Care

Anaemia is a common condition among teenagers. Learn how to recognize symptoms, understand causes, and manage anaemia with proper diet, supplements, and medical care to maintain optimal energy levels and overall well-being.

PCOS Management

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can affect menstrual health and overall well-being. Gain insights into managing PCOS through lifestyle changes, medical treatments, and regular consultations with healthcare professionals.

Obesity Prevention

Address and prevent obesity by incorporating healthy eating habits, physical activity, and behavioural changes. Learn about effective strategies for weight management and long-term health.

Vaginal Discharge Awareness

Understand what is expected and what might indicate a problem. Learn to recognize symptoms of infections or other conditions, and know when to seek medical advice.

Reproductive Health

Confidential Care

If you choose to be sexually active, you have a legal right to confidential reproductive health services. This includes access to testing, contraception, and abortion services without parental consent if required. Your privacy and safety are our top priorities.

Testing and Contraception

Get informed about various contraceptive options to prevent unintended pregnancies and protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Regular testing for STIs is crucial for maintaining sexual health.

Barrier Methods

Discuss with your healthcare provider the most effective barrier methods for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies. Learn about options such as condoms and other protective measures.

Regular Testing

Don’t underestimate the importance of routine screening for sexually transmitted conditions such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. HIV, and syphilis. Regular testing ensures early detection and effective treatment, helping to prevent long-term health issues.

Stay Connected with our Health for Her App

With the Health for Her App, you can easily schedule appointments, track your health, receive personalised tips, access doctors directly, and manage your health from anywhere. It’s a powerful tool that puts your health in your hands, giving you the control and convenience you need in your busy life.