Concerns during Pregnancy Period

Concerns During Pregnancy Period You may be concerned about certain issues related to pregnancies even before you conceive. These apprehensions are based on your own experiences in the previous pregnancies or from what you have heard or read. Voicing them out and discussing with your doctor keeps you better prepared. Many women are taken by […]

Problems faced during Pregnancy

Problems faced during Pregnancy Fainting and Dizziness Because of lowering of blood pressure, not enough oxygen is supplied to the brain, sometimes this causes fainting or dizziness. Dizzy spells may be also caused by anaemia (low Hb). In the first three months of pregnancy, the blood pressure is lower than normal. This is why some […]

Myths and Misconceptions about Pregnancies

Myths and Misconceptions about Pregnancies 1. The stretch marks are caused due to itching – False. It is due to breakage of non elastic fibers in the skin which is stretched during pregnancy. 2. If you sit cross-legged on the floor, the umbilical cord twists around the neck of the baby – False The baby […]

Exposure to various Electronic Devices

Exposure to various Electronic Devices Are You Worried about exposure to Micro wave There are unconfirmed reports of damage to the foetal eye – in view of this, make sure you don’t stand in front of the microwave when it is in operation and make sure the oven does not leak. X-ray It is usually […]

Tips For Mothers To Be

Tips For Mothers To Be Travel Travelling is no cause for worry if the pregnancy is normal and stable. Travelling long distance is better done by train than by car or bus. Sitting for long periods should be avoided, since it causes congestion in the legs and pelvic region. Autorickshaws are safe if you are […]

Preparing For Labour

LAMAZE : Coping with Labour Nine months is a long time. Long enough to wait with bated breath to call the new born your very own. But is the process of child birth really enjoyable? Can the woman really receive her new born with a smile? She can, if she is prepared to understand and […]

Ultrasound and its use in Pregnancy

High – frequency sound waves are directed through the mother’s abdomen into the uterus. As they are reflected off the bone and other tissues of different density, a pictorial representation of the baby is obtained. This is shown on a screen as a grey scale image. Ultrasound has transformed obstetrics because it can give important […]

HIV infection

Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) is transmitted through sexual intercourse, (increases with multiple partners) blood transfusion (infected blood),drug addicts (sharing the same I V needle) and from mother to child. Transmission of HIV infection from HIV+ mother to her child could be during pregnancy, at delivery or due to breast feeding. The chances for transmission […]

Rhesus Negative

All blood is either rhesus-negative or rhesus-positive. A routine blood test at the beginning of the pregnancy will show whether you are rhesus-positive or negative. You run a risk of rhesus incompatibility in pregnancy only if you have a rhesus-negative blood group while your husband has a rhesus-positive blood group. There is no symptom of […]

Placenta Previa

It is a condition that may occur during pregnancy when the placenta implants in the lower part of the uterus and obstructs the cervical opening. Causes and risks Possible causes of placenta previa include a scarred endometrium (lining of the uterus), a large placenta, an abnormal uterus, or an abnormal formation of the placenta. The […]