Dads and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is often seen as an exclusive relationship between a baby and its mother. However, the father is also very much a part of it. Fathers have a lot to contribute to, and can be part of, the breastfeeding experience.

Breast milk is the best source of nourishment for the baby, hands down. And breastfeeding is one of the primary activities in infant caretaking. But, the dads could be at a loss as they cannot physically participate in this act of bonding. However, there are innumerable ways in which they can be active breastfeeding partners.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, or more technically Gestational Diabetes Mellitus(GDM), is one of the most common health problems faced by pregnant women, in the recent times . Around 10 to 15 %  of all pregnancy cases report high blood sugars and are thus diagnosed with GDM. The complexity of gestational diabetes lies in the fact that if you do not address the problem on time ,it could affect the health of the fetus as well in addition to the health of the mother.

Breast Cancer – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is Breast Cancer? Breast Cancer, as the name suggests, is the uncontrolled growth of malignant cancer cells in your breasts. A simple self examination of the breast region Breast tumors or breast lumps in early stages of cancer are typically “silent” and do not cause any discomforting symptoms .it is important that you learn […]

Maternity – A moment in tummy, a lifetime in heart

“Mummy, doesn’t your tummy hurt or don’t you feel tired?” asked a concerned child fondly touching his mother’s tummy. I paused for a moment eager to hear the mother’s response. “No dear, in fact I feel happy and free from any sort of pain. Aren’t we all eagerly awaiting to welcome our baby into this world and into our hearts?”. The child’s smile confirmed that he was more than happy with his mother’s reasoning.

Dealing with stress during pregnancy OR Generic factors that can trigger stress levels during Pregnancy

Stress raises its ugly head in the most unexpected way, sometimes, during the most jubilant times of your life. Stress and joy does not necessarily go hand in hand. But consider this -discovering that you are pregnant can be one of the happiest moments of your life but your excitement can diminish at supersonic speed if you allow the stress bug to bite you. Here, the stress bug we are referring to are not some creepy crawly creatures but two legged people like relatives, friends and sometimes even co-workers.

Common Tests During Pregnancy

Common Tests During Pregnancy 1st Trimester   (1-3 months) Which Test? Why? Urine Tests Urine Pregnancy Test To confirm that you are pregnant. Sugar & Albumin (Protein) To confirm that you are pregnant. Bacteria To check on urinary infection. Blood Tests Blood Grouping & Rh typing Basic information needed for all pregnant, women – in […]

The Inside Story

The Inside Story The development of the baby can be divided into three specific periods of three months each, together making nine months, which we call trimesters. The first trimester (1-3 months) By the end of the first three months the baby is about 3.5 inches (nearly 18 cm.) long. The vital organs and the […]

Operative Deliveries

Operative Deliveries Is there an increase in the incidence? What is being done about it? The cesarean rates across the world range from 15% to approximately 30% in some areas. Many different factors have been noted to impact the cesarean rates. Among them are: Women with severe medical conditions, such as diabetes and chronic hypertension, […]

Your Dream Becomes A Reality

Your Dream Becomes A Reality “There is no moment like the one when you first see your new born. Mankind has scaled many heights but none compares to this.” – Francois de la Rochefoucaulda Mother Care After vaginal delivery Use antiseptic solution to cleanse perineum after voiding urine. Take a sitz bath 2 to 4 […]

Labour Overview

Labour Overview Stage 1 Effacement and Dilation: The gradual thinning and dilation of your cervix to permit the baby to pass through into the vagina. Early Labour Cervical dilation from 0 cm to 3cm.Contractions are 5 to 20 minutes apart and 30 – 45 seconds long. Can last around 4 – 6 hours for the […]