Infertility – Understanding Treatment Options

It’s a widely known fact that infertility is on the rise in our present society and it is so common that one in seven couples trying to have a baby will experience difficulty in conceiving spontaneously. This trend is expected to increase in the future and by 2025, around 30 million couples are predicted to grapple with infertility problems in our country. Infertility treatment depends on certain factors like what’s causing the infertility, how long the couple has been infertile, the age of the couple and other personal preferences.

Bleeding at birth…What is Postpartum Hemorrhage?

Death due to pregnancy is an important cause of premature mortality of women across the globe in developed as well as in developing countries. Postpartum haemorrhage also called PPH is when a woman has heavy bleeding after giving birth. It’s a serious but a preventable condition. It usually happens within few minutes after the birth of the baby , or in the next 48 hours. About 1 to 5 in 100 women who have a baby (1 to 5 percent) have PPH.

Cervical Cancer And HPV Vaccination

Cervical cancer caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), is the second most common cancer in India, with around 77,300 new cases being reported annually. Human Papilloma Virus causes about 91% of cervical cancers and there are over 100 different types of HPV, most of which are considered low-risk and do not cause cervical cancer. Some cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx (back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils) are also caused by HPV.

Breastfeeding Techniques

Breast milk isno doubt the liquid form of love and breastfeeding is a mother’s gift to her baby, to herself and to the earth. The benefits of breastfeeding for both the baby and the mother are numerous and it is quite a special time of physical and emotional bonding between the mother and her newborn baby. Breastfeeding is natural & beautiful and can be mastered with a little patience and coordination. There is no right or wrong way of breastfeeding the baby and what is most important here is that whatever position or technique is chosen, it should be a comfortable one for both mother and baby.

Recurrent Miscarriages

Medical sciences is in such an advanced stage along with the minds of people, but certain subjects like stillbirth, miscarriage and pregnancy loss still carry with it the burden of social stigma, coupled with challenges in managing these cases. Especially in a society like India that is riddled with superstitions of all sorts, there is a tendency of covering up or people being stealthy about recurrent miscarriages.

Debunking the myths about C-Section

Every woman that has gone through childbirth understands the immense labour of love and sacrifice behind it all. This is irrespective of whether the birth was a C-section or a natural delivery. In no ways is one method superior than the other, what is important is that at the end of it all, a healthy mother & baby remains. C-sections or caesarean delivery is sometimes planned in advance and in other scenarios it is done as a life-saving emergency surgery and the best judge of this is definitely your doctor.

Importance of Menstrual Hygiene

Menstruation is a natural part of the reproductive cycle but sadly the culture of taboo, myths, misinformation and stigma associated with the subject even today, gets in the way of women managing their menstruation with dignity. It is indeed important to have a society that values and supports the fact that Menstrual Hygiene is vital to the empowerment and well-being of women and girls.

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Diabetes in Pregnancy or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a medical condition when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal range. Milder forms of Gestational Diabetes can be managed with diet and exercise whereas more severe forms will require the administering of insulin or other medicines to achieve glycemic targets. Gestational Diabetes have found to occur in around 10 % of all pregnancies, in India. The Asians are 10 times more prone, therefore, every pregnant woman in our country needs to have her sugars tested at least twice during her pregnancy. The condition is at times picked up as early as 3rd month of pregnancy, but more often diagnosed during the second trimester, around the 24th week, most often, the woman will have no symptoms.

Pregnancy diet and childhood Obesity

Obesity has become pervasive than ever before. Researchers and dietitians who delve into the core of it converge in opinion in attributing lifestyle and lack of exercise as the prime reason behind the prevalence of obesity among people. While those are good enough reasons for excessive fat build up in our body, recent researches point towards an aspect hitherto underlooked by many when dealing with obesity – Pregnancy Diet!

Premature and Early Menopause

Premature and Early Menopause Estrogen is the hormone that controls the reproductive cycle in women. When ovaries stop the production of estrogen, menopause occurs. The age range in which a woman can expect menopause is between 45 and 55 years. If menopause occurs before the age of 40, it is said to be premature menopause. […]