Can anemia during pregnancy be prevented?

The key to good health lies in the food you consume. A balanced nutrient-rich meal is one of the sure-shot ways to stop anemia. However, straightforward it sounds, this will get difficult throughout pregnancy. Here are some ways to ascertain that you are keeping anemia at bay by following a healthy eating pattern. To prevent […]

Will anemia affect my pregnancy or my baby?

When you get pregnant, the red blood cells have more work to do. However, the nutrients you consume, in some cases, will not be sufficient for this. The body will not be able to produce as many red blood cells as required. This lack of red blood cells results in a condition known as anemia. […]

What are the different types of Anemia During Pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, your body undergoes drastic changes. Among the many changes that happen, your body produces more blood to support the growth of your baby. And for that, it requires more nutrients. However, if you are not getting enough nutrients,  your body might not be able to produce the number of red blood […]

Can a high risk pregnancy be prevented?

High-risk pregnancies seem to be increasing day by day, and the first thought that enters a mom-to-be or someone planning their pregnancy is, “Can high-risk pregnancy be prevented?”. Make these smart choices  There are no shortcuts or prevention methods to avoid high-risk pregnancy; however, there are various methods that you may include in your life […]

Recurrent Miscarriage

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What you need to know about recurrent miscarriages Suffering a miscarriage can be a difficult experience that is often shrouded in secrecy and taboo. The physical pain of miscarriage is accompanied by the emotional pain of grief for a loss that may have been planned or deeply desired, but never fully known. Statistically, 10 -15% […]

Managing a High Risk Pregnancy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Most Effective Ways to Manage High-Risk Pregnancy A high-risk pregnancy is one that poses a danger to the health of the mother or baby. If you’re facing this situation, it’s important to know what to expect as your pregnancy progresses. Here’s a look at the effective ways to manage high-risk pregnancy issues. Educate yourself […]

What is a “High Risk Pregnancy”?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pregnancy is a time of great change and excitement for parents-to-be. However, it can be a time of uncertainty and anxiety as well. What are the chances that my baby will be born prematurely or have other health problems? How can I reduce my risk of having a child born with birth defects? These are […]

Top Breastfeeding Problems

Seeing the words ‘breastfeeding’ and ‘problems’ in the same sentence can be both surprising and daunting. Breastfeeding is something that has been widely touted for its amazing benefits for both mother and baby. But to ensure that its potential is harnessed to the fullest, it is important to see to it that the whole experience […]

Breastfeeding Position & Latch

For a new mother, it is quite a beautiful and challenging feeling to realize that she is solely responsible for nourishing the infant that she is just getting to know. After the rather overwhelming childbirth experience, breastfeeding is the next hurdle that she must learn to master. All that you need to know about successful […]

Basics of Breastfeeding for new moms

The breastfeeding journey like pregnancy can be one that is so different for every woman. Some have smooth sailing while others have to go through rough seas so the important thing to remember is to never fault yourself when you are faced with feeding roadblocks or and to always ask for help when the need […]