Management of PCOS

How to manage PCOS? Managing PCOS starts with correctly diagnosing it. Since there is no conclusive test that confirms the diagnosis, many women learn about their PCOS only when they try to get pregnant but cannot. Both these causes make the diagnosis of PCOS difficult. After being diagnosed, one should always consult a doctor about […]

General Things to Keep in Mind about Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon and part of regular life for women of reproductive age. A little pain or discomfort is expected. It is not considered a menstrual disorder as long as it is tolerable and does not interfere with an individual’s daily lifestyle. Anything that feels out-of-ordinary or not normal during menstruation should […]


Menstruation is the bleeding phase of the menstrual cycle. The first day of menstruation is counted as day one of the menstrual cycle that usually lasts for 28 days. Normal menstruation differs for different individuals. While some individuals have fairly easy menstrual periods, others have severely debilitating ones that require them to take time off […]


The menstrual period or menstruation is a part of the menstrual cycle that takes 28 days, on average, to complete. It starts at puberty at around 12-16 years of age and lasts until menopause at around 45-55. The first day of menstruation is counted as day one of the menstrual cycles. Average menstruation lasts from […]

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

There are several menstrual disorders seen in menstruating individuals. Abnormal uterine bleeding, be it too much or too little or no bleeding at all, is one of them. Normally, individuals lose between 15mL and 80 mL of blood during menstruation. Losing more than this, up to 10-20 times more, is considered heavy bleeding. There are […]

Cervical Cancer – Treatment Options

If detected earlier, cervical cancer is one of the most curable and preventable cancers. There are many options available for the treatment of cervical cancer like surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and combinations of these options. Your treatment depends upon several factors like the stage of your disease, your age, and your overall health. If cancer […]

Cervical Cancer – Symptoms

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and has the highest incidence and mortality rate. Cervical cancer starts in the cells lining the cervix. Cervix is a part of the female reproductive tract. It is located at the lower part of your uterus and connects to the vagina. Cancer starts when cells […]

Cervical cancer, its types and staging

Every year about 500,000 women worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and more than 270,000 die from it. The cervix is a female reproductive part. It connects the uterus to the vagina. The cervix comprises two parts and is covered with two different cells. The endocervix is the cervix opening that opens into your uterus […]

Cervical Cancer – its causes and prevention

Cervical cancer is responsible for 6.6% of female cancer deaths worldwide. Cervical cancer occurs in the cervix cells due to the uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal cells. It results in excessive cell building up that forms a lump or tumor. Some risk factors can increase your chance of getting cervical cancer. These include- HPV: […]

What are the causes, risks, and treatment for anemia in pregnancy?

The key to a successful and healthy life is eating right. This is because your body is a complex yet precise system. The body takes the essential nutrients from the food we eat and processes it and stores it for its everyday activity very meticulously. If you are someone who is planning a pregnancy, this […]