Understanding the Causes and Complications of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects millions of women worldwide, yet its exact cause remains elusive. However, research has identified several contributing factors that play a significant role in the development and symptoms of PCOS. Let’s dive deeper into these causes and explore the potential complications associated with this complex syndrome.

Permanent Contraception: Understanding Sterilization Methods for Men and Women

When it comes to making long-term decisions about contraception, sterilization stands out as the most definitive solution. For men, this is achieved through a vasectomy, while women undergo a procedure known as tubectomy. But what do these procedures really involve? How effective are they? And most importantly, are they the right choice for you?

Diagnosis and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

When it comes to PCOS, there’s no simple test or one-size-fits-all diagnosis. But understanding what to look for can be empowering. If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms, here’s how doctors get to the root of PCOS.

Male and Female Sterilization

Sterilization is the only permanent method of contraception for men and women. Male sterilization is done by performing a vasectomy, and female sterilization involves undergoing a tubectomy. In vasectomy, the tubes called vas deferens of the male reproductive system are cut or blocked to prevent the sperm from being carried from the testicles to the […]

Types of contraception

There are various things to be considered when women, men, or couples decide their preferred choice of contraception. These include effectiveness, affordability, accessibility, and safety. It is advised that when choosing an effective method of contraception, dual protection from HIV and other transmitted diseases along with unintended pregnancy should be considered. Various contraceptive methods have […]

Preventing unintended pregnancy

Unintended pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that is unwanted. In simpler words, a pregnancy occurs when the couple does not want to have a child or if the pregnancy is mistimed (the pregnancy occurred earlier than desired). The prevalence of unintended pregnancy helps in understanding the unmet need for contraception. Most unintended pregnancies result […]

Contraception and its importance

Contraception is the term used for any method or device used to prevent unwanted and untimely pregnancy. There are various ways to prevent pregnancy, like male sterility, where the semen or the ejaculation does not contain any sperm, thus preventing the sperm from reaching the egg; using a spermicidal that kills the sperm inside the […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder found commonly among women of reproductive age. Individuals with PCOS have infrequent, irregular, or prolonged menstrual periods. They also have higher-than-normal levels of the male hormone androgens. Excess of androgens disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and cause irregular periods. Some individuals also have multiple […]

PCOS – Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis There is no definitive test or gold standard to diagnose PCOS. Typically, women are diagnosed with PCOS when they have at least two of the three symptoms listed below: High levels of the male hormone, androgens Irregular periods Multiple cysts in the ovaries Generally, the doctor starts with a discussion about the medical story, […]

PCOS – Causes and Possible Complications

Causes The exact cause of PCOS is not known. There are various factors that are believed to contribute to the symptoms – Insulin resistance – Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates the blood sugar level and allows the cells to use it. When there is resistance by the cells to insulin, […]