Glucose Screening in Pregnancy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pregnancy is a time of many changes in the body especially with all the hormones coursing through the body and then the various diet changes as well. For these reasons gestational diabetes is quite common among pregnant women in at least 10 percent of pregnancies.  But if the condition is caught early on during prenatal appointments and well managed then the pregnancy and the baby will still be healthy. When left unchecked gestational diabetes can prove to be dangerous for both mother and baby.

Glucose screening test which is a routine pregnancy test done between weeks 12 to 14 weeks and repeated at 24 and 28 of pregnancy can help detect the disease on time. If the pregnant woman is already more prone to gestational diabetes because of factors like obesity, is 35 years or older, a personal history of gestational diabetes (GDM), a family history of diabetes then a glucose screening  done in the first prenatal visit itself are likely to establish the diagnosis of GDM. In this case if the test results are abnormal early in pregnancy, then it can also signify pre-existing type 2 diabetes.

Glucose challenge tests are an easy and effective way to detect gestational diabetes and to get the problem under control, usually with certain lifestyle changes. Some of the pregnancy complications that can be averted if gestational diabetes is detected and treated early are; Macrosomia or a too-large baby thereby increasing the chances of a C-section, Preeclampsia, or the sudden onset of high blood pressure, Jaundice, breathing difficulties or low blood sugar for the baby, a higher risk of type 2 diabetes for in the baby’s adult life and also stillbirth.

The glucose challenge test works by measuring the body’s response to sugar (glucose). Different standards are used to determine if the level is too high. In India, a SINGLE STEP NON FASTING 75 gm GLUCOSE CHALLENGE TEST IS PERFORMED. If the two-hour blood sugar level, after challenging with 75 gm of glucose ,  is 140 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood plasma (mg/dL) or more, she is declared as a case of GDM. This test does not require any special preparation and can be performed , irrespective of the non fasting status .

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Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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