Is Twin Pregnancy double trouble?

The chances for twin pregnancy are often higher in older women because hormonal changes can cause more than one egg to be released at a time. Other methods like the use of assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization can also increase the odds of a twin pregnancy. Twins occur only in one in every 80 pregnancies. There are many unique issues in twin pregnancies when compared to single pregnancy and this calls for double the care as only40 percent of twin pregnancies go full term.


The chances for twin pregnancy are often higher in older women because hormonal changes can cause more than one egg to be released at a time. Other methods like the use of assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization can also increase the odds of a twin pregnancy. Twins occur only in one in every 80 pregnancies. There are many unique issues in twin pregnancies when compared to single pregnancy and this calls for double the care as only40 percent of twin pregnancies go full term. The average twin pregnancy is 35 to 36 weeks, compared to the average single pregnancy, which is 39 weeks to 40 weeks

The total amount of weight the mother gains before 20 weeks is vital. Staying fit, hydrated and healthy witha balanced diet can help the mother cope up with potential twin pregnancy complications.

Frequency of checkups with your specialist will increase , since a careful watch on both the babies is a must , to ensure that proper interventions are possible at the right time. Due to overstretching of the uterus, preterm delivery is a possibility . do not be afraid on reading several of the complications listed below , each one of them , if identified on time , appropriate advice and action is possible . Despite all of these issues, most of the twin pregnancies have a reasonably good outcome . It is integral that the mother- to- be of twins is aware of the warning signs and symptoms associated with likely complications of a twin pregnancy.

Low birth weight –Twin babies with low birth weight are at higher risks of experiencing long-term health complications.

Miscarriage Risk – There is an increased risk of miscarriage in twins during early pregnancy. When the miscarriage of one twin occur early in the pregnancy, the mother’s body will simply absorb the remaining tissue. The remaining twin may suffer from mental handicap from the toxins released due to the dead twin, especially if they share a common placenta. Hence close monitoring is required.

Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) – In this complication the growth rate of the twins begins to slow at 30 to 32 weeks. IUGR occurs when the placenta cannot handle any more growth of the twins.

Preeclampsia – The risk of developing preeclampsia and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) is higher in the case of twin pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes – Is a common occurrence in twin pregnancy. The two placentas increase the resistance towards insulin production and the mother’s body experiences a sudden increase in the blood sugar level. The greater placental size and elevated levels of the placental hormones could also be a cause for this.

Congenital Defects – Twin pregnancy increases the risks of congenital abnormalities like heart abnormalities, neural tube defects (like spina bifida) and gastrointestinal disorders.

Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome – Monochorionic twins who share a single placenta may not share the blood flow in the placenta equally. This leads to “twin–twin transfusion” and may occur in 15% of such pregnancies.

Cord Entanglement – In a twin pregnancy the cord tangles within the amniotic sac shared by the identical twins.

Caesarean Delivery – Abnormal foetal positions often increase the chances of caesarean delivery.

Postpartum Haemorrhage – The large placental area and the over-distended uterus causes a higher risk of postpartum haemorrhage. There could be severe bleeding during and after delivery.

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Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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