What are the causes, risks, and treatment for anemia in pregnancy?

The key to a successful and healthy life is eating right. This is because your body is a complex yet precise system. The body takes the essential nutrients from the food we eat and processes it and stores it for its everyday activity very meticulously. If you are someone who is planning a pregnancy, this […]

Can anemia during pregnancy be prevented?

The key to good health lies in the food you consume. A balanced nutrient-rich meal is one of the sure-shot ways to stop anemia. However, straightforward it sounds, this will get difficult throughout pregnancy. Here are some ways to ascertain that you are keeping anemia at bay by following a healthy eating pattern. To prevent […]

Will anemia affect my pregnancy or my baby?

When you get pregnant, the red blood cells have more work to do. However, the nutrients you consume, in some cases, will not be sufficient for this. The body will not be able to produce as many red blood cells as required. This lack of red blood cells results in a condition known as anemia. […]

What are the different types of Anemia During Pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, your body undergoes drastic changes. Among the many changes that happen, your body produces more blood to support the growth of your baby. And for that, it requires more nutrients. However, if you are not getting enough nutrients,  your body might not be able to produce the number of red blood […]