Can a high risk pregnancy be prevented?

High-risk pregnancies seem to be increasing day by day, and the first thought that enters a mom-to-be or someone planning their pregnancy is, “Can high-risk pregnancy be prevented?”.

Make these smart choices 

There are no shortcuts or prevention methods to avoid high-risk pregnancy; however, there are various methods that you may include in your life to reduce the risks and increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

Here are 5 tips to prevent a high-risk pregnancy

  1. Try and get a healthy weight before pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, being overweight or obese raises your chances of having issues like high blood pressure, hypertension, gestational diabetes, and stillbirth.

If you’re expecting to become pregnant, getting in shape before conception lowers your risk of difficulties. To reduce weight and maintain a healthy weight, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Follow your doctor’s weight-gain guidelines while pregnant to ensure healthy labour and delivery.

  1. Pre-existing medical issues should be managed.

Pre-existing medical issues that are uncontrolled can put pregnancy in danger. The following are some of the most common conditions that can impair pregnancy:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV
  • Autoimmune diseases

Your body takes a toll throughout pregnancy. Managing health issues before pregnancy with medication and lifestyle changes allows your body to function at its best when you’re pregnant.

  1. Include Prenatal Supplements

Your body needs more specific nutrients to support your growing baby while you’re pregnant. You can acquire folic acid, iron, protein, and calcium from a prenatal vitamin or supplement that you wouldn’t get from your regular diet.

Consult and discuss with a health professional about your nutritional requirements. It’s a good idea to start taking a prenatal supplement before conception if you’re planning to get pregnant. However, if you’re breastfeeding, taking prenatal vitamins after your baby is born can also be beneficial.

  1. Stop consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs completely

While pregnant, drinking alcohol, smoking or using tobacco products, and taking drugs can all have a negative impact on your baby’s health. You raise your chance of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which causes catastrophic birth problems, if you drink alcohol while pregnant.

Cigarettes can cause babies to be born with low birth weight. Birth deformities can result from the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of prescribed pharmaceuticals, and newborns might be born addicted to a substance taken during pregnancy. During pregnancy, only take the medications that your doctor has prescribed.

  1. Understand the dangers of older maternal age.

Beginning at the age of 35, your chance of pregnancy problems rises. Complications include the inability to conceive, miscarriage, and the baby’s genetic defects. Fertility declines gradually at the age of 30, then accelerates for women 35 and older.

Complications during pregnancy are much lesser for women in their 20s. If you’re pregnant or want to become pregnant later in age, talk to your doctor and get advice about the high-risk pregnancy.

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Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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