Menstrual Cycle – Understanding what is normal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Be it for optimum reproductive health or even for overall well-being, understanding the menstrual cycle is a significant step for a woman. The various monthly hormonal changes in the woman’s body are what governs the menstrual cycle right from menarche up to menopause. The woman experiences her first period or menarche around the ages of 12 to 15 with the onset of puberty. A menstrual cycle is counted from first day of menses to the first day of next menses and the duration of each cycle can vary from person to person. This could be lasting two to seven days and any irregular changes in the usual pattern cold always mean something.

A menstrual cycle normally can last anywhere from 25 to 35 days and each cycle has three specific phases which are follicular, ovulation and luteal. Each of these phases are controlled by hormones like Gonadotropin releasing hormone, FSH and LH, Oestrogen and progesterone. The follicular phase is the body preparing to release an egg, this ends once the ovulation that lasts for roughly 14 days starts. The longer this phase the longer the cycle will be. About 16 to 24 hours after LH peaks the ovulation phase begins and an egg is released into the Fallopian tube from the mature follicle. Once the egg is released the follicle develops into a corpus luteum in the luteal phase. The corpus luteal will degenerate after 10 to 14 days if pregnancy does not occur. This causes the uterine lining to shed thereby starting another period and a new menstrual cycle.

Before taking a close look at what is normal when it comes to periods or the menstrual cycle, it is imperative to understand what the irregularities are and the possible causes. Sudden spotting that can happen anytime during the menstrual cycle can be because of many factors. Often it can be the usage of birth control pills, or perhaps the sudden surge and decline in oestrogen can lead to spotting.  But if this does not go away on its own then a medical investigation may be required to rule out any malignancies of polyps.

Something that should not be ignored is menstrual periods that is quite heavy and if pads need to be changed more than six times a day. Heavy flow is often a sign for fibroids that could be non-cancerous tumours that are growing in size. Around menopause with the levels of oestrogen reduces fibroids can shrink away. The time between each period is what gives you an idea of how regular your periods are. There will be some amount of consistency revolving around this as for most women the dates of periods are sometimes a day or two early or late. Irregular periods can occur due to many reasons like hormonal imbalance, fibroid uterus, uterus cancer, ovarian cancer, pelvic inflammatory diseases, pregnancy, breast feeding, polycystic ovarian diseases, eating disorders and premature ovarian failure.

Not getting a period is often attributed to pregnancy if the woman is sexually active. Otherwise, it can be because of hormonal imbalances in the body. It is also important to understand that some women can be fertile even if they’re menstruating due to an overlap of periods at the commencement of ovulation. Taking medications prepone or postpone periods and the overuse of emergency contraception can make the menstrual cycle irregular and tamper with the ovulation date.

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You can watch videos on various conditions of menstruation  by visiting the ‘Health for Her’ youtube channel


Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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