Recurrent Miscarriages

Medical sciences is in such an advanced stage along with the minds of people, but certain subjects like stillbirth, miscarriage and pregnancy loss still carry with it the burden of social stigma, coupled with challenges in managing these cases. Especially in a society like India that is riddled with superstitions of all sorts, there is a tendency of covering up or people being stealthy about recurrent miscarriages.

Debunking the myths about C-Section

Every woman that has gone through childbirth understands the immense labour of love and sacrifice behind it all. This is irrespective of whether the birth was a C-section or a natural delivery. In no ways is one method superior than the other, what is important is that at the end of it all, a healthy mother & baby remains. C-sections or caesarean delivery is sometimes planned in advance and in other scenarios it is done as a life-saving emergency surgery and the best judge of this is definitely your doctor.