Common Tests During Pregnancy

Common Tests During Pregnancy
1st Trimester   (1-3 months)

Which Test? Why?
Urine Tests
Urine Pregnancy Test To confirm that you are pregnant.
Sugar & Albumin (Protein) To confirm that you are pregnant.
Bacteria To check on urinary infection.
Blood Tests
Blood Grouping & Rh typing Basic information needed for all pregnant, women – in case blood transfusion is needed at any point and to be prepared for the possibility of Rh incompatibility
Hb% Low Hb indicates anaemia – needs further tests. Iron, Vitamin supplements.
VDRL To test for syphilis infection. If present prompt treatment necessary.
Hepatatis B Could be transmitted to the child, the new born will need HBIG injection, in addition to regular Hep. B vaccine.
HIV If positive, options discussed & strategies to prevent transmission to the child implemented.
ICT Is done in case of Rh-ve mothers with Rh+ve husband Indirect Coombs Tes ttest indicates iso immunisation.
Ultrasound Scan For dating the pregnancy, number of pregnancies, location, and presence of foetal heart beats, Nuchal Translucency (study for chromosomal defects.)

2nd Trimester

Which Test? Why?
Blood Tests
MSAFP(Maternal Serum Alpha Feto Proteins) Neural tube defects / genetics defects
TST (Triple Screening Test) Screening for Downs syndrome.
GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) Gestational diabetes.
Ultrasound Scan Biometery: Measurements of various parameters. In the – growth profile Structures: Presence & normal development of the various structures (Heart, Brain, Skeletal, Urinary system etc.)Amount of Amniotic fluid, location of placenta
3rd Trimester


Which Test? Why?
Blood Tests
Hb, Blood sugars May be repeated to review status of anaemia, diabetes
Ultrasound Well being and activity studies of the foetus. To calculate the estimated weight of the foetus. To check for foetal position Amount of Amniotic Fluid
CTG (Cardiotocography) Tracing of heartbeat pattern to reflect on the activity and well being. Some decisions about timing of delivery may be taken based on the reports
Special Tests Tissue taken from placenta between 10 – 12 weeks
Chorion Villous Sampling Access through abdomen or through vagina under ultrasound guidance. cells can be studied for genetic / bio chemical problems.
Amniocentesis Sample of amniotic fluid drawn & sent for analyses Between 14 -18 weeks of pregnancy
Post Procedure For elderly women or those at risk for birth defects, genetic problems.Done under ultrasound guidance under local anesthesia Minor discomforts / no special medications needed.
Foetal Cord Blood Sampling Blood sample drawn from foetal umbilical cord can be subjected to various studies as Indicated.
Doppler study Special tests to study the blood flow in various Blood vessels concerning the mother – unit Gives information regarding adequacy of nourishment & oxygenation.
Foetal Blood pH Determines the urgency for delivery & indicates how sick the is, so that the neonatal team can prepare & receive accordingly.

Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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