Your Dream Becomes A Reality

Your Dream Becomes A Reality

“There is no moment like the one when you first see your new born. Mankind has scaled many heights but none compares to this.”
– Francois de la Rochefoucaulda

Mother Care

After vaginal delivery

Use antiseptic solution to cleanse perineum after voiding urine.

  • Take a sitz bath 2 to 4 times a day for comfort and promotion of healing.
  • Stitches will dissolve in about one week.
  • Do not use tampons or douche until after the postpartum check – up.
  • Drink lots of fluid after delivery and do your kegel exercises. This, along with topical treatments, will help if you have hemorrhoids.

After cesarean delivery

  • Avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.
  • Avoid vacuuming, sweeping and mopping for at least 3-4 weeks.
  • Limit climbing stairs.
  • Wash your incision site when you bathe and pat it dry.
  • Wear loose – fitting clothes that don’t bind or rub your incision site.
  • Incision heals within 2 to 3 week

Bleeding (Lochia)
Lochia will usually be bright red and heavy for the first few days after delivery. Gradually the bleeding will become lighter in colour and reduce in amount over the next several weeks. Watch for persistent abdominal pain, heavy bleeding or foul odour which may signify infection.

Family Planning

  • Avoid sexual intercourse until your postpartum checkup.
  • You can become pregnant before your first period so discuss the contraceptive options with your doctor.
  • K-Y Jelly and other water – soluble lubricant may be helpful to decrease vaginal dryness.
  • Nutrition
  • Be sure to eat a well – balanced diet during the post partum period to promote healing. To help decrease constipation, do the following:
  • Drink lots of fluids.
  • Eat whole-grain breads.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables.

Postpartum blues
Mood swings are normal and are usually exaggerated by sleep deprivation. Adequate rest and good nutrition can help you through these emotional adjustments.

  • Do not overload yourself with unimportant chores.
  • Get extra rest.
  • Talk with friends/family. Discuss your plans and worries.

Postpartum Warning Signs
With all the changes occurring in your body after childbirth, you may have difficulty in knowing if something that you experience is a natural part of the postpartum period or a sign of a problem. Listed below are the discomforts and danger signs that are most often confused. Check with your doctor as to when to report.

Breast Pain
Engorgement of the breast in nursing mothers is a common cause of breast pain. If the milk is clogged in the milk duct the breast feels hard, tight and tender two to five days after birth. This may lead to breast infection.
Nurse more often and longer. Express remaining milk from breast. If associated with fever or if pain is intractable consult your doctor.

Urinary infection
If there is difficulty in passing urine or urine is dark and concentrated, drink more fluids (at least eight glasses of water daily). If the problem persists for more than 24 hours, consult your doctor.

Vaginal discharge
It is usually normal in the postpartum period. If the discharge is associated with pain, itching, foul odour, consult your doctor.
If you have any of the warning signs like fever, over 100.4° F for more than 24 hours, intense, persistent episiotomy pain, intense vaginal or pelvic pain. Consult your doctor.

Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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