Problems faced during Pregnancy

Problems faced during Pregnancy
Fainting and Dizziness
Because of lowering of blood pressure, not enough oxygen is supplied to the brain, sometimes this causes fainting or dizziness. Dizzy spells may be also caused by anaemia (low Hb).
In the first three months of pregnancy, the blood pressure is lower than normal. This is why some women complain of dizziness. Some of them might actually lose consciousness for a moment or two. This is not harmful to the baby or the mother, except that the mother might injure herself if she falls to the ground during the dizzy attack.
In case you have a tendency towards dizzy spells or fainting, avoid crowded and smoky atmosphere and long journeys. Avoid moving too suddenly from a lying or sitting position.

How should I get rid of blackouts and fainting attacks?
As explained, these occur mostly in the early part of pregnancy due to a fall in the blood pressure leading to less oxygen supply to the brain. Take plenty of liquids, sweets or sugar and rest adequately. These are simple tips that could avoid these episodes.

Leg Cramps
Leg cramps may occur suddenly in pregnancy and may be quite painful. They mostly occur in the last months of pregnancy. Sluggish blood circulation, lack of calcium, and lack of Vitamin B and E are thought to cause these cramps.
Massaging the area when cramps occur is relieving. Also, point the toes inwards towards the face when the cramps occur. Someone can hold the painful area on the leg with one hand and with the other hand guide the toes to point towards the face. A hot water fomentation should also help.
One can increase the intake of milk products, so that the body can get the much needed calcium. Cottage cheese, milk, curds, buttermilk, cheese and greens of radish, turnip, cauliflower, methi, dhania, pudina and all varieties of greens are advisable.
Exercising to help the blood circulation will also reduce the leg cramps.

Stretch Marks
The skin is made up of elastic and non-elastic fibers. When stretching beyond the normal limits occurs, as in pregnancy, the non-elastic fibers tend to break, causing stretch marks. At first these marks may occur as streaks. After birth they take on a kind of purple or brown shade and finally turn into whitish streaks. Excessive water retention or weight gain can also cause stretch marks.
These marks may appear on the tummy, breasts, bottom and thighs. The stretching on the tummy cannot be avoided as it is the result of expanding uterus.
The reason why stretch marks are worse in some women is because the elasticity of the skin varies from person to person.
Women with fewer stretch marks have more elastic fibers in the skin. There is no way in which the skin’s elasticity can be increased to reduce stretch marks.
Many women believe that oiling the skin helps, especially with Vitamin E oil. There is no evidence to support this theory. However, there is no harm in a gentle massage of the stretched abdomen. It is very relaxing. Moreover if you are lucky, the marks may not appear at all.

The weight of the baby is supported by the backbone, with the assistance of the muscles of the back and abdomen. When these muscles are weak, the pressure on the backbone is greater and causes discomfort. When these muscles are strong and toned up, the baby’s weight exerts less pressure on the backbone and backache does not occur.
Bad posture also causes backaches. A correct posture helps to balance different parts of the body. If you allow some of your muscles to slacken, other muscles will tighten in order to compensate for the slackening, resulting in bad posture and a strain on your back and other parts of your body.

Typically in pregnancy, one stands with one’s bottom out and the hollow of one’s back exaggerated. Instead, one should learn to stand straighter. Keep your bottom tucked in and use your abdominal muscles to support the extra weight, instead of overstretching them by just letting them loose.
You can practice this by standing with your back to the wall and pressing the whole length of your spine against the wall and trying to maintain the posture.
Rest should help your backache. Don’t let yourself get overtired. Lie down more often. Lying on your back, place a small pillow or cushion in the hollow on your back and bend your legs at the knees, with feet flat on the floor. If you prefer to lie on your side, take a pillow between your knees and another between your tummy and the bed. Lie on a hard bed, so that your backbone has adequate support. Severe low backache may be caused by a lack of calcium. The doctor would most often recommend supplementary calcium.

Some pregnant women develop an itchy skin, and find red spots appearing on the abdomen and breasts. This is primarily due to the stretching of the skin and can be aggravated by heavy perspiration or stress. For temporary relief try an oil massage. Calamine lotion may have a soothing effect.
Some problems in the liver can also lead to itching all over the body. Consult your doctor.

Swollen Hands and Feet
Pregnancy can be associated with swelling of hands, feet, ankles and face. This is called oedema. Since the body retains, extra water in pregnancy, a slight swelling is normal. Swelling can also be caused by hot weather, tight or ill-fitting shoes or exertion due to long travel, but this kind of swelling generally disappears after resting for some time (overnight).
Severe swelling of the hands and feet that does not go away at night could be a symptom of the onset of raised blood pressure and should be reported to the doctor.
Increase your protein intake and reduce salt intake. Salt encourages retention of water in the body. Avoid foods with a high concentration of salt, e.g., pickles and salted fish.
Avoid standing for long periods of time without rest. Sit whenever possible, and if possible, put your feet up on a stool.

Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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