Myths and Misconceptions about Pregnancies

Myths and Misconceptions about Pregnancies
1. The stretch marks are caused due to itching – False.

It is due to breakage of non elastic fibers in the skin which is stretched during pregnancy.

2. If you sit cross-legged on the floor, the umbilical cord twists around the neck of the baby – False

The baby turns around its own axis, unaffected by your movements.

3. If you do not feel the movements of your child by the 5th month, there is something terribly wrong with the pregnancy – False.

Generally, women experience movements by the 5th month, but in a few (especially very obese/fat women) the movements may not be perceived until the 6th month. This is no cause for concern.

4. You should lie on your side and not on your back when in labour – True.

When you lie down on your back, the weight of your baby and uterus press on a major blood vessel called the vena cava, hence reducing the supply of blood and oxygen to you and your baby. To avoid this you must lie on your side

5. You should push as soon as labour pains begin– False.

When in labour, never pushes until the doctor or nurse asks you to. If you begin to push when the mouth of the womb is not fully dilated, there is the danger of the baby’s head hitting against an unopened cervix (mouth of the womb), so that the baby’s head and cervix become swollen and tender.

6. Eating papayas will cause an abortion – False.

here is no scientific evidence for the abortificient action of fruits like papaya.

Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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