Exposure to various Electronic Devices

Exposure to various Electronic Devices
Are You Worried about exposure to
Micro wave
There are unconfirmed reports of damage to the foetal eye – in view of this, make sure you don’t stand in front of the microwave when it is in operation and make sure the oven does not leak.

It is usually recommended that elective X-rays can be postponed until after delivery. Always inform your doctor (dentist, family physician) that you are pregnant, so that they can weigh the risks of having an x-ray taken for a particular diagnosis as against the benefits and they may chose an alternative safer test.

Household cleaning products
Those labeled as toxic have to be used with caution. Any product with strong fumes or smell or bleach should be avoided – because safety of inhaling these chemicals is not proved.

Recently, concerns have been raised that minor birth defects and low IQ in children may be because of lead exposure when the foetus was in utero. More studies are needed for conclusively proving the harmful effect.

Video Display Units
Many pregnant women at work at a computer desk are worried about ill effects of radiation emitted by VDUs and possibility of miscarriages. There is very little evidence for a direct link between the two and it is unlikely that any defects are related to VDU use.

Note: This information is intended to help you get a better understanding. However, it should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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